Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yet Another Trip to the ER

So it seems that my sister’s family LOVES to take trips to the ER. Also it seems as though I am always around or close by when it happens. So not even 2 weeks after Ana takes a trip to the ER after passing out, they take another trip on Sunday, this time for Kileigh. Reighlyn and I went to Ana’s Sunday evening to borrow some baking soda so Mike could make some cookies. Well Reighlyn has been wanted to play with the girls for the past couple of days so I let them play for a little bit while I talked to Ana and Jonathan for a couple of minutes. Well the girls, being little girls, started running from room to room screaming at the top of their lungs chasing each other. Well it was all fun and games, until they went running through the kitchen and Kileigh’s head literally bounced off the corner of the counter top. This brought instant tears and high pitched screams which brought Addison and Reighlyn to a quick halt. After a quick look from Jonathan it was decided that it was pretty deep and a trip to the ER was probably the best. Well luckily for them I was already there, no need to call. Since I have left Kairington and Keegan with Mike thinking it was just going to bed a quick trip, I decided it would be best if I took Addison and Aiden with me to my house so I could help Mike with my kids at home. So I loaded the kids up and came home with a little bit more than baking soda. Luckily since Jonathan was on duty, they went into the ER through the police entrance, which helped speed things up. Kileigh came away with one stitch and a princess sticker. But I think she was most excited about having a bracelet with her name on it.

1 comment:

Ariana said...

You saved us once again - we would feel free to return the favor anytime - but somehow your kids aren't that accident prone, I guess my kids must take after their aunt and no their mom in that regard - LOL!