Sunday, January 31, 2010

January Fun

Well not a lot as happened since the last blog, hence why it's been a couple of weeks since the last blog. The week of the 18th, we decided to do some sharing around our home, but not the kind of sharing you want to do. Wednesday morning, Mike woke up and had the full blown flu. So he just hung out in bed all day and the kids and I retreated to my friend Lauren's house for a little play date for 2 reasons...1. so Mike would have some peace and quite and 2. so I could keep the kids away from him as much as possible. Well that obviously didn't work too well because Thursday morning Mike was better, but Keegan was running a fever and showing signs of the flu. So Thursday I spent the day taking care of a whinny 2 year old. Then Friday he was feeling better for the most part, but lucky for me Reighlyn woke up running a fever. Well actually she started running a fever in the middle of the night, we figured that out when she came and got in bed with us around 3am and she was burning up. The good thing about Reighlyn being sick, is she just wants to be left alone for the most part. So I just made her a bed on the couch and left her alone and she just watched shows and slept on and off all day. The hardest part was keep Keegan off of her....he doesn't understand why Reighlyn would want to just lay there and not play. So being the typical little brother he is, he decided all day that he would try and get Reighlyn to play with him. He would steal her blankets and pillow, turn off the tv, sing "jingle bells"(his favorite song) very loudly right in her ear, or sit there and hammer her head with his play hammer. Needless to say, Keegan spent a lot of time in his room in time out that day. Saturday everyone was feeling a lot better and I made the comment that of course everyone else got it but me...I guess mom's don't get sicks days, only get to take care of the sick. Well I probably shouldn't have said anything because Sunday morning I woke up with it. The bad thing is I couldn't just lay in bed and sleep all day, the mom isn't that lucky. So I just camped out on the couch were I could still feed Kairington when needed & play referee with Reighlyn and Keegan. All I can say is at least this thing was only a 24hr bug. Also we were counting our blessing that Kairington didn't get it, but I think we were getting a head of ourselves. Little Kairington woke up in the middle of the night on Friday with a temp of 101, which is pretty high for a little 2 month old. And she was just screaming and nothing could calm her down. Then Mike gave her a blessing and I gave her some meds and she finally fell asleep and slept pretty good the rest of the night. In the morning her temp was gone, but you can tell she is still sick, she will be fine and then will just start screaming for no reason. And Yesterday she didn't want anything to do with eating and when she did eat anything it came right back up, or out the end usually all up her back. I think she went through 4 different outfits yesterday. Last night she did sleep from 8 - 5 and then ate and went back to bed and is still sleeping, so we will see how she feels when she wakes up. I am hoping we are all done with this sickness. Needless to say Kairington and I will be hanging out at home church. I just want to make sure she is 100% before facing more germs and sickness. We will see if Mike is brave enough to face church with Reighlyn and Keegan by himself.

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