Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Are we ever going to get healthy??

So I am sure by the title, you can figure out what this post is about. Seriously, all we keep doing is passing this sickness around and around the house. I am getting pretty tired of waking up to see who as a cough, or runny nose, or a fever and it usually is someone different everyday. Luckily, Mike and I have been able to stay pretty healthy for the most part. Mike keeps feeling like he is getting a sore throat, but it never seems to come to the surface, probably thankful to all the vitamins that he keeps popping...whatever you go to do so I am not the lone parent I am fine with. So it all mostly started with Reighlyn Wednesday night in the middle of the night with the croup cough...so the next morning, no preschool for her; instead a breathing treatment with Kairington's nebulizer and some good old cough medicine. The cough seemed to go away pretty fast with the help of a couple of breathing treatments. But she had a none stop runny nose and a cough that you could tell was just full of all the junk that was congesting her. Well trying to keep a 3 yr old away from everyone else is impossible, so of course Keegan and Kairington both now have runny noses and little coughs. That I could handle, but last night before bed Keegan spiked a 102.8 temp. That is a little high for me, so Mike gave him a blessing and some medicine and we sent him to bed. Reighlyn got a dose of cough medicine and went to bed too. Kairington had a runny nose too, but being only 3 months old no medicine for her, so I just sucked her nose out and Mike got her to sleep. Around 11 when we headed to bed, Mike went to check on Keegan and he was breathing very fast and he was burning up and his little heart was racing. So we took his temp again and it was 103. So with a whinny 2 yr old we brought him to bed thinking he would just sleep with us....NO WAY! That kid hates to sleep with anyone, so after tossing and turning for about an hr, I took him back to his crib and he feel right to sleep; gotta love a kid that loves to sleep! Reighlyn woke up a couple of times because of bad dreams, but stayed in her own bed; mostly thanks to a baby gate that we place in front of her door so she can't make her way to our room in the middle of the night. Then in the early morning, Kairington woke up with a temp. I took it in the bum.. since according to the Dr that is the best way for a baby, well luck me after having her throw up on me twice in the night, during the temp taking, she was mad and pooped all over me. Oh the glamor of being a mother! Well her temp was 101.5, which is pretty high for a little baby. So I called the Dr and got an appointment for that morning right after I dropped Reighlyn off at preschool. Luckily, Mike offered to keep Keegan, so I didn't have to deal with 2 sick kids. Well the Dr decided that Kairington had an ear infection and possibly RSV, but she said she wasn't going to test for it since it required them putting a tube thing in her nose and it was uncomfortable, just to find out it was RSV and give her the same medicine she will be put on for her ear infection. So then we headed to Wal-Mart to get her medicine and of course waited forever and finally got everything just in time to go pick Reighlyn up from preschool. So needless to say I am glad that we have doctors to help my sick kids hopefully get better sooner than later because I don't know how many more sleepless nights I can have.

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