Friday, August 03, 2007

Well something very interesting and actually scary happened on the 1st of August here in Logan, UT. The mountains right outside our front windows caught on fire! Now I am sure you have all heard about all the wild fires we have been having here in Utah since it is so dry, but I never thought it would be so close. During the day I kept hearing sirens, but I didn't think anything of it because they do pull people over a lot on Center street and a lot of old people up the hill from us get hurt a lot, but after an hour or so of hearing them I decided I would look out the window and wow was I surprised to see the mountain on fire and just tons of smoke everywhere. I tried calling my sister-in-laws and mother-in-laws because they both live up in that part but there was no answer so I started getting a little scared that they had been evacuated from their homes. Plus with the way the canyon winds are the fire could have easily made it's way down the hill towards our house. So there I am with Reighlyn watching this fire thinking, I am not ready if they come and tell us to leave. So I started packing a couple of bags just in case. Mike called and decided to come home in case we did have to leave, which we would go to Ana and Jonathan's since they live on the other side of town. We ended up not having to leave thank goodness, but we were ready just in case. This fire definitely has made us realize we need to really get our food storage and such together and a good 72 hour kit so we don't even have to worry about any of this, we could just leave very quickly if needed. So that's our goal for the next month to get the 72 hour kits all ready and to work on our food storage. I will post some pictures of the fire and of the planes dropping the red dust that helps stop the fire. At least it made for some cool pictures!

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