Thursday, April 05, 2007

Alright, now that it has been about 2 months I guess it is time to update the website again. I really need to get some pictures on here of Reighlyn... all in good time though.
Well not much has really changed since the last blog. Mike is still working for Hyclone from 2-10:30pm. I wouldn't say he is in love with his job, but he doesn't hate it like Qwest at least, so that is a plus. He is also in the same calling he has been in forever, the Elder's Quorum and I am still teaching primary, ages 10-11. Reighlyn just laughs at the kids in my class... they are so entertaining. I am now watching my sister's two girls 8 hours a day for about 10-15 days a month. I watch them when Jonathan works, and then on the days Jonathan doesn't work I watch them for a just a couple of hours a day while he flies. I know to a lot of you it seems like I am crazy to watch a almost 2 year old, a 5 month old, and a 6 week old....but it really isn't all that hard. Kileigh, the6 week old, sleeps a lot and when she is not, she likes to just chill for the most part. That is the exact opposite of my daughter who tends to be a drama queen and feel the need to be able to see me or have me hold her all the time. She is actually getting a lot better. She is slowly started to scoot towards things and when that doesn't work she just rolls. We are on a pretty good schedule though. She usually takes a nap at 10:30 or 11 for about an hour and half then she takes another one around 3 or so for the same amount of time. So in the morning, Kileigh takes a nap at the same time. So Addison and I do crafts, work on colors, numbers, shapes, etc or just play. Today was a beautiful day, so first we did crafts: made a bead necklace, glued shapes on paper and practiced them, colored, decorated a jar, and painted with water colors. Then we went outside and played with balloons and bubbles. It was a lot of fun. I will have to add those pictures to this blog also. Tomorrow we might attempt to take a walk to the park with all the kids... we will see how that goes.
Mike and I are looking forward to the end of the school semester, so we can have more time to play instead of worrying about school all the time. That is what Mike does in the mornings while I have the girls and then I do mine when he is at work in the evenings after the girls go home.
This past weekend we went down to Wolf Creek Lodge, located in Ogden Canyon. We were there with all of Mike's family for conference weekend. It was a lot of fun... very chill. Mike and I got in the hot tub the first night while Grandma watched Reighlyn, Mike got to go golfing with all of the guys on Saturday in between sessions, and I worked on a puzzle on and off throughout the weekend. It was very nice, but of course nice to get home and unpacked.
Sunday night when we got home, we had a meeting with a group of people. Mike and I planned a secret fund raising for Alisha and Craig for the park they are building in memory of there little boy, Ryan, who drowned in Lake Powell last August. We handed out flyer's... about 5000, and got over 100 volunteers to go knock doors to ask for donations. We raised a little over $2100 on Monday night when we went out. We are going out again with Monday for one last attempt. Then we are going to have a huge BBQ for all those who helped and present Alisha and Craig a check for all the donations. Hopefully it will be a bigger number than we have.
Ok, well I better end now...Reighlyn is getting fussy. Oh speaking of Reighlyn though.. she is growing so fast. She is now eating baby food 3 times a day. We have eaten rice cereal, applesauce, sweet potatoes and green beans so far. She isn't so sure about the green beans but we keep trying everyday. We don't want her to become a picky eater like her mom!

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